How to always have capital for your business

How to always have capital for your business

How to always have capital for your business

As a business owner, you must be able to weather storms and economic downturns.  With the covid shutdowns, stock market volatility and now mortgage interest rates climbing, business financing has started to become increasingly difficult.

The Federal Reserve surveyed US banks and found that one third of them have recently tightened their lending standards for loans to businesses. It is becoming harder and more expensive for small businesses to obtain credit financing.

On top of that, forecasts indicate that bad real estate loans will further impact the availability of business credit lending.

Some banks have already placed their money on lock-down to businesses and eliminated lines of credit. And many business owners will be in for a real shock when the capital that was freely flowing suddenly dries up when they need it most.

The sudden tightening of credit will leave many businesses without the ability to expand or take advantage of new opportunities.

With banks tightening their credit requirements, businesses need to understand that there is, and always has been, a better way.

Private Banking Strategies.

Whether it’s business acquisition, business expansion or restructuring, you need to be able to count on your financing.  Businesses can actually create a system to always get the money back and obtain the use of the same dollar more than once.  With Private Banking Strategies, you can “be the bank” and capture the money that is leaving your control and keep it in your own private bank, with interest, compounding annually, without any tax event.

You have complete liquidity to finance your business needs without any qualification whatsoever.  You control your own financing.

Learn more about how to run your business with Private Banking Strategies:

Episode 12: How your Business Cash Flow can catapult you into financial freedom Part 1

Episode 13: How your Business Cash Flow can catapult you into financial freedom Part 2